7 Amazing WordPress 插件 That Actually Help You Run Your Business

这是有原因的 WordPress fuels 27% of all 网站s 在互联网上:他们创建了一个平台,使中小企业和初创企业能够轻松地快速扩展业务. Open source development has been its bread and butter, 帮助企业充分利用他们的资源,而不需要大量的成本.

Part of its allure comes from the multitude of plugins, the add-ons that give you a truly custom 网站. 正确使用时, 这些插件不仅提供了一流的用户体验,还可以帮助您将业务提升到一个新的水平. Look at these x amazing WordPress插件s that no business should be without:


best 商业Wordpress插件

Touted as the most beginner-friendly contact form WordPress插件, WPForms允许您创建自定义联系人表单来帮助您的客户保持联系. 如果你会用鼠标的话, 你可以使用这个插件——你所要做的就是拖放元素来构建你的表单. 你可以 also choose from pre-built templates and fill in your information.

If simple is all you need, go with the WPForms Lite版本. 它是免费的,并且提供了创建表单所需的所有基本功能. 如果你想要更高级的功能,比如支付选项和签名,那就用专业版吧.

wordpress business directory plugins


business directory wordpress plugins

如果你正在使用谷歌分析来加强你的网站,你会喜欢og体育首页Insights插件. og体育首页Insights simplifies analytics for WP sites. 因此,你可以看到人们是如何找到你的网站的,当他们到达时他们在做什么. 你可以使用这些和其他的见解来改进你的网站,让他们回来.


  • 链接跟踪
  • 实时数据
  • Google AdSense追踪
  • 页面级分析
  • 自定义Google分析报告

Users also love this plugin because it stays put if they switch WP themes. 你可以 get a lite version of this WordPress插件 in all its basic glory for free, or upgrade to 三个付费版本之一 了解更多功能.


You own a WooCommerce 网站 and wish to find something helpful & powerful like Jetpack plugin for your online store?

为WooCommerce做广告 is exactly that jetpack you’ll need. 这是一个出色的营销插件,加载了10+内置应用程序,为您的电子商务网站增加了推动力. 只需要一个插件, 您可以从优惠券弹出窗口对WooCommerce商店进行超过10种不同的调整, 社会证明, 通过电子邮件营销进行追加销售 & 交叉销售提供.

When you install the plugin, you will find a list of 10+ automated marketing & 销售应用程序. 每个应用程序都有一组功能,专注于提高WooCommerce商店的转化率.


  • 提升销售: 销售 & 交叉销售捆绑销售相关产品,使平均订单价值增加45%以上
  • 销售流行: Live sales notification pop-ups to notify shoppers of recent orders. It helps build brand trust and strengthen shoppers’ confidence to buy
  • 付款增加: 倒计时计时器可以为你的促销活动创造紧迫感
  • MailBot: 根据客户的行为和兴趣自动触发的电子邮件营销系统
  • 其他有用的功能:优惠券弹出窗口,产品推荐滑块,股票倒计时小部件,...还有更多.

为WooCommerce做广告 is a really well put-together plugin. 如果您想要一个一体化的模块化解决方案来增强您的WooCommerce商店, 一定要去看看.



如果你的网站上没有合法的页面,你可能会冒很大的风险. 人们在听从你的建议后可能会面临负面结果,或者他们可能不知道你是你在网站上销售的产品的附属机构, 在这些情况下, WPLegalPages 会在你陷入法律案件之前帮你处理好所有这些法律问题吗.

WPLegalPages是 WordPress privacy policy generator plugin 用于WordPress网站. 它附带了超过25个政策模板,这些模板是由知名律师创建的. 更多的over, it gives you the ability to have shortcodes for easy implementation. 你也可以通过使用这个插件强迫你的用户同意你的条款和条件.

Some of the amazing features are the following:

  • Forced Agreement on Posts and Pages
  • 短代码集成
  • 可定制的法律页面
  • One-click affiliate disclosure addition
  • 扩展菜单选项

WPLegalPages also has a 免费版 for you to try. 免费版

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO
Yoast SEO
开发人员: 团队Yoast
价格: 免费的

WordPress is already a handy platform for SEO汁,但是…… Yoast SEO plugin can give your SEO an extra boost. It's especially helpful when you're creating content, 因为它监视关键字的使用, shows you what your title and snippet content will look like when published, and helps you ensure your meta descriptions looks good to search engines.

该插件还提供页面分析,以确保您没有错过任何东西,如图片, 小标题, 或者Alt标签.

Aside from better-written content, you get a few technical advantages to optimize your WordPress site as a whole:

  • 高级XML站点地图功能
  • RSS feed optimization to oust the 内容抓取器
  • 社交媒体整合
  • SEO技术要素
  • Import and export for multiple blogs

It's also straightforward to set up. Just go to 插件 from within WP and click New. 的n, search for Yoast SEO and activate it from your 插件 page. From there, you'll use the wizard to configure, and you're done.


社交分享图标 & 社交分享按钮
社交分享图标 & 社交分享按钮

在别人看到之前,你在网站上创造的所有伟大的内容都是毫无意义的. 然而,最好的部分是,你不必依靠网站流量来看到它. 社交分享按钮 Digg的WordPress插件 是否可以通过让网站访问者直接在他们的社交媒体渠道上分享你的网页来帮助你提高知名度.

的se little buttons can be static or float on the page as your users scroll. If someone wants to share your blog post with their friends, 他们可以点击自己选择的社交媒体按钮,将你的文章发布到他们的页面上,或者通过电子邮件发送给自己或朋友. It's a simple, free way to get your blog posts seen by more people.


开发人员: Remkus de Vries
价格: 免费的

Do you know if your 网站 has any broken links? 重定向 can tell you before your customers do. 这个免费的插件会告诉你404网址,因为他们发生,所以你可以重定向到现有的网页或建议其他网页,让他们访问.

如果用户访问某个页面后收到404错误信息,他们可能会离开你的网站. 重定向器可以帮助你减少跳出率,让你的访问者在你的网站上有更好的浏览体验.


Schema – All In One Schema Rich Snippets
Schema – All In One Schema Rich Snippets

丰富的代码片段能让你的内容更生动,对搜索引擎更有吸引力. 这些特殊的标记提供了您的业务的简短摘要,并使您的内容在搜索引擎中显示不同, 比如添加地图, 图像, 或者星级评价. As a result, these snippets can give you a visibility boost and lead to higher click-through rates.

一种模式.org插件 gives you an easy-to-use interface to help you create rich snippet data. 你可以 then insert this data into your WP posts and web 页面.




If your business relies on appointments or reservations, BirchPress makes it easy for users to secure their spot online. This WordPress插件 can help your customers schedule their appointments, 检查可用性, 接收确认邮件, 同步到他们的个人日历, 接收预约提醒, 为他们的服务付费, and other helpful communications.

这个插件具有广泛的自定义能力和功能,可以帮助您为客户提供独特的用户体验. It's an ideal solution if you're in any of these industries:

  • 健身与健康
  • 热情好客
  • 餐厅
  • 医疗保健
  • 教育
  • 沙龙
  • 专业服务
  • Veterinary Care or Pet Grooming
  • 汽车或家居服务

BirchPress offers three pricing packages, 每一个都充满了功能和好处,可以使任何小型企业在在线调度方面与大型企业竞争. Best of all, it's easy to set up and get started on your WP site. 你可以 请求演示 to see how it all works before you commit.



这是一个WordPress插件,通过自动分享你的帖子,将日常事务从你的日常日程中剔除, 页面, 媒体文件, and custom post types on social media. Your only contribution would be to configure the plugin, 设置您的首选项, and just let it do the job on autopilot.

允许您共享新旧内容(日期限制由您决定), choose the time interval between posts, 使用标签和反向链接, exclude specific categories or posts, and track its results via Google Analytics.

活化旧邮政的一个重要方面是,它让你完全控制你想要如何推广你的内容, i.e. you can write custom post descriptions, 附加图片, and tell the plugin how many times an individual article must be shared. Furthermore, you can adjust the features that make a post eligible for sharing. For instance, it has to be older than one year in order to be shared.

有一个 免费版 available as well if you're only looking for auto-shares, but advanced customization/optimization is not of your interest at the moment.


With over a quarter of all internet 网站s using WordPress, 毫无疑问,有成千上万的免费和付费插件可以帮助您定制您的 WordPress的业务 网站. Which WordPress插件s are you using to run a better business? 请在下方留言.




Three Groups of WordPress 插件 Necessary for Small Business Websites

40 Non-Recommended WordPress 插件 [Use at Your Own Risk]

must have 商业Wordpress插件


发布有关主要网页设计亮点和新奇之处的文章. 浏览一些由网页设计和在线营销领域的专家分享的有用的教程和指南.



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