Best Education Admin Panel & Dashboard Templates

Web surfing has become an integral part of education. Today, 参与学习过程的每个人都在互联网上发布和搜索教材. Websites and platforms substitute books. 它们使你有可能充满兴趣地学习,直到最后一节课. 此外,在线学习节省了时间,并且不与地图上的位置相关联.

However, it is quite difficult to create a worthwhile project, 考虑到不断增长的竞争和所需的经验和知识水平. Templateog体育首页为那些需要高质量替代品的人准备了教育管理面板和仪表板模板. 他们结合了多功能,风格复杂,多功能性和完全自由的行动. Enjoy it? 赶紧去了解更多,这样你就不会错过成功的机会.

Who Can Benefit from Using School & Edtech Admin Panel Templates?

一个明亮和吸引人的管理面板是专家后端和前端开发人员的问题. 请利用TM的产品来加速资源的构建,并赋予其独特的外观. Why are they worth your attention?

First, themes make the task easier. Dashboards are essential in the digital industry. 它们包含大量的文本信息、数字和百分比. 任何以教育为目的的可视化都是仪表板的一部分. 模板中有现成的表格和图表示例,因此对节省时间的人很有兴趣.

Second, they are multipurpose. These are actively applicable for such purposes:

  • 学校、大学、学前机构网站;
  • Personal pages of teachers and professors;
  • Online educational platforms;
  • Digital resources for distance learning;
  • Informative applications;
  • Courses and webinars;
  • And the like.

Third, the layouts are flexible and don't specify a subject. 他们为一名历史老师和一名医学博士创建了一个专业的管理小组. 用它们来代表各种学习材料:人文学科(人类学), geography, linguistics), natural sciences (biology, geology, astronomy), technical (agronomy, computer science, architecture), and more.


开发管理面板需要几分钟或几天的时间. 这取决于你的技能、花费的时间和目标本身. 但是,使用现成的管理面板和仪表板主题可以保证成功. Here are a few rules to guide buyers of premium products.

  • Ensure you've downloaded the .Zip包,正确输入所有必要的数据,并创建 .env file.
  • Check out the features and appearance of the layout. Does it make sense to modify and improve it?
  • Experiment with the color palette. Shades play an important role, 因为不和谐的组合从一开始就令人反感. 考虑周全的配色方案会起到相反的作用——它们会吸引人们的注意力,提供审美上的愉悦.
  • Do not neglect the additional UI elements. 小部件、表格和图表使页面更具动态性和吸引力. Being part of the web design, they also carry information. It is really handy.
  • Does text look boring and monotonous? There is a solution. Dive into the collection of fonts to find the most suitable. 排版允许你玩弄收件人的注意力:转移或抓住它.

Bootstrap Admin Panel Templates for School & Edtech - How to Choose Your Perfect Dashboard Design

选择完美的产品并不容易,而且往往很耗时. The user should always focus on his own needs. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is the optimal cost?
  • Do the template rating and customer reviews matter?
  • How flexible should the product be?
  • Am I ready to customize myself, or do I need expert help?
  • What parameters are of high priority?

By the way, the last question forces people to ponder. 为什么管理面板和仪表板模板与其他模板不同? Let us introduce the main features.

  • They are fully editable and easy to use. Compose the structure of the pages yourself. 管理个人资料、博客、帐户、注册和付款.
  • Analyst and sales dashboard. Keep competent records and always concentrate on statistics. Accurate data is a passion of many learners. Also, 老师在课程结束时总结结果是一种值得信赖的方法, seminar, academic year, etc.
  • Responsive HTML layouts. 允许您的观众在任何设备上观看内容,没有质量限制或性能错误. 您可以自动调整界面元素以适应分辨率.
  • Reliable support from Templateog体育首页. 不要害怕挑战自己,成功地处理问题. If there's an issue, don't panic. 数字产品作者伸出援助之手,减轻你不必要的担忧. It's free and valid 24/7.

Education Admin Panel Templates FAQ


请仔细检查许可证及其功能范围. A personal license is a basic one. You can design one non-commercial project. 高级license支持5次使用,并共享使用结果. 买断许可允许您开发50个不同的商业和个人管理面板,并自由地展开它们.


It isn't very likely. This collection is designed for professional, 正在努力改进管理面板的结构和外观的专家开发人员. 在购买这样的产品时,你应该对自己的能力有百分之百的信心. 否则,您应该考虑MotoCMS专家提供的定制服务. Alternatively, choose user-friendly themes.


Of course. All instructions and materials required for setup, installation, and customization are in a separate document. Opening it, you get to know the relevant information and, following the tips, develop the resource of your dreams.


为此,您必须访问Templateog体育首页站点并应用搜索参数. There is a box on the left side of the screen. 选择标签、类别、样式、功能、成员、颜色和其他可能的参数.

The Latest Design Trends for Education Admin Panel Templates

Stay up to date with the hottest School & Edtech Admin Dashboard design trends of this year! 我们制作了一个信息丰富的视频,介绍了吸引每个人注意力的字体、样式和形式. Use them for masterclasses, schools, universities, colleges, educational institutions, and events projects, and be on top with Templateog体育首页.