ArcMed Joomla医学模板
Arcmed Joomla医疗模板. 专为医疗网站设计, Arcmed offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet the unique needs of healthcare professionals.
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More and more people prefer to search for medical services and products online. 首先,它是快速和方便. Secondly, you can get a lot of information that is not available in the offline world. For example, 高质量的医疗网页提供完整的价目表, 以前客户的评论, 以及员工的教育和奖励. If your business is related to medicine and you want to declare yourself to the world, creating a website based on Joomla templates is the best option to attract an interested audience quickly. 我们的主题是为特定的利基定制的, so you don't have to spend a lot of time editing or mastering programming languages to change a few small details. 感谢顶级CMS开发人员提供的方便的管理面板, 所有定制模块都易于管理, even for end-users. Choose from our wide range of doctor Joomla templates and get 24/7 tech support with every premium product.


Our developers regularly attend professional development courses and study new content regarding the latest trends and technologies to provide each client with the best product. Before adding to the catalog, we test themes to make sure they perform smoothly under any conditions. Here are some of the characteristics of the themes that you can enjoy after purchase:

  • Responsive layout is an important feature regardless of the platform for which the template is created. 没有响应式布局, the site will not display correctly on all devices commonly used for Internet surfing, 所以这样的网络资源不会成功. Check out the demo version of the template you like to make sure it looks great on smartphones, PCs, and tablets.
  • 博客布局是多页面网站的重要组成部分. Combined with SEO-friendly code and the ability to optimize content, your posts will become an additional source of traffic and give your site a high ranking in search engines.
  • The ability to create an online store using e-commerce plugins makes Joomla even more versatile. Install EShop, Joom Donation, VirtueMart, JoomShopping, or any other proven plugin and enjoy expanding the potential of your theme.
  • Optimizing for speed allows you to install additional extensions and add gigabytes of content without sacrificing page loading speed.
  • Open source makes each template a potential base for more complex projects, 哪一个对开发者来说很酷.
  • The Forum or Testimonials section will be a cool space for the audience to interact with each other and with the website managers. In addition, feedback from people influences the final decision of new visitors and buyers about your web resource.
  • 社交媒体整合是任何顶级网站都必须具备的另一个功能. Give people the opportunity to share their opinion of your content or products in their feed. In addition, active pages in social networks will serve as another social proof of your reliability.


The templates from this collection in the starter version are ideal for creating online projects related to:

  • Medical services;
  • The doctors;
  • Resume and CVs;
  • Pharmacies;
  • Dietary supplements;
  • Medical blogs, etc.

Tips For Website Creation with Personal Doctor Profile Joomla Templates

It is not enough just to create a website for it to start generating income. Any commercial project requires finance, time, and effort investment. If you are an absolute beginner and don't know where to start after purchasing a template, here is a small sheet of actions that will help you master Internet promotion faster:

  • Hire specialists. A beginner can never properly optimize the content or write engaging texts. 据统计, one of the most common reasons for online business failure is poor ranking and trivial content.
  • 引入额外的流量来源. 发展社交网络, 开展广告宣传活动, arrange giveaways, 与博主合作, 试着让自己变得可见和持久. Sooner or later, you will become familiar, and people will consider you a reliable company.
  • Use proofs. 客户反馈, 社交网络的订户数量, 谷歌地图评分, 来自影响者的反馈, statistics, awards - all these factors affect the final decision of potential customers and, accordingly, your income.


Are there any extra costs involved in doctor Joomla templates purchases?

您可能会在结账时得到额外的服务, but you can simply not add them to the shopping cart if you are not interested. We do not charge any additional funds beyond the cost of the template without your consent.

你们是否提供试用期来使用doctor Joomla模板?

Unfortunately, we do not provide trial periods for our premium templates. 但是,请随意搜索我们的免费主题库.


We do not currently provide previews of third-party admin panels on our website. Please look for samples in the video tutorials on our YouTube channel.

Where can I find more information on operating with doctor Joomla templates?

请查看我们的og体育首页Post博客或YouTube频道, where we regularly add new content about the latest web design trends and, of course, 有用的集合和教程.

为什么使用Joomla个人医生档案主题? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

Watch a helpful video about the outstanding Joomla Doctor themes features. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, in-built page editor, and much more valuable opportunities to make your Personal Doctor Profile website project unique and successful!